Gratitude is a powerful force that can enhance our lives and relationships. Cultivating thankfulness is a habit that can be nurtured with intention. Here are five key habits to help you foster a grateful mindset.
1. Keep a Gratitude Journal:
Take a few minutes each day to jot down things you're thankful for. This practice shifts your focus to the positive aspects of your life and makes gratitude a daily habit. This can easily be done as a family. For example, utilize car rides or meal times and have your child verbalize and write them down as you rehearse them together. Though you may have to model this at first, practicing gratitude is a quick habit your child will pick up!
2. Express Your Appreciation:
Don't hold back from expressing your gratitude to others. Saying "thank you" and showing appreciation strengthens your relationships and spreads positivity. Parents, we encourage you to model gratitude for your children! They will observe you and will organically begin mimicking your thankfulness! This is great to do at restaurants, doctor’s offices, or really any public place.
3. Start and End the Day with Thankfulness:
Begin and conclude your day by reflecting on what you're thankful for. This simple ritual sets a positive tone for your day and promotes a contented mindset. Research supports a theory of “reattachment,” which is a concept within the branch of psychology called positive psychology. Aimed at combating the side effects of the world’s negativity, reattachment is a practice which bookends your day with a calming ritual, such as meditation, journaling, reading, etc. This practice helps to set the tone and mood for the day. Starting with positivities is a wonderful way to intentionally reset your brain for a successful day.
4. Embrace Adversity with Gratitude:
Learn to be thankful for challenges and setbacks. They provide valuable lessons and opportunities for growth. Reframing, a skill in cognitive behavioral therapy, states that our thoughts create our feelings and even sensations. When we are able to utilize adaptive thinking skills, our feelings and even physical states can change. This has power in negative thoughts and feelings surely, but also positive ones! Reframing our hard times with positive growths that come from them allows us to keep a positive mindset amidst an uncomfortable challenge. For more information, you can read this article.
5. Volunteer and Give Back:
Giving back to your community or a cause you care about helps you appreciate your own blessings. Witnessing the struggles of others gives you a fresh perspective on your life. Surround yourself with positive influences who exude gratitude, as they can help you maintain a thankful mindset. No matter your region, if you’re looking to start a volunteer opportunity, you can find more information on this national website: Find a Volunteer Opportunity Near You | United Way Worldwide.
These five habits can help you on your journey to nurturing thankfulness. By adopting them, you can embark on a transformative path toward a more grateful and fulfilling life. Gratitude is a habit worth cultivating, one that can enrich your life in meaningful ways. If you are struggling to find a positive mindset, perhaps we can help at WeThrive Learning. Our coaches are able to help with underlying neurodiversity challenges and equip our clients to live an empowered and thriving life! Schedule a call today at www.wethrivelearning.com.